Pharma filling workstation Manufacturers in Brahmapur Call 9500082797

We are one of the finest company in Brahmapur in the field of Pharma filling workstation Manufacturers.  For any questions call 9500082797.

We can provide contacts for expertise to fulfill all the necessary process and various requirements of clients in  Pharma filling workstation Manufacturers.

About Brahmapur

The city is at 19° 20’ N Latitude 84° 50’ E Longitude. Its average elevation above means sea level is 24m. Maximum summer temperature is 40 °C; the minimum winter temperature is 22 °C. Three-wheeler auto taxis are the most important mode of transportation in this city. Taxis also ply on the city’s roads. The effective literacy rate of Berhampur is 90.04%, higher than the national average of 74.04%. Male and female Literacy rates are 93.83% and 85.92%, respectively. 8.2% of the population are children ages 0–6 years. The adult and child sex ratios are 917 and 898 females per 1000 males, respectively.

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